Mick was born to a teen mother and came into care because his mother tried to severely hurt him on several occasions. His grandmother was unable to keep him safe from his mother so he was placed into one of our foster homes. The amazing foster parents have loved and cared for him and given him the stability and nurturing he has needed. He came to them as an infant and is now almost 2 years old. They have walked with him through many developmental delays as well as surgery to remove his adenoids and tonsils, which caused Mick a lot of sickness. He struggled with walking and talking before his surgery, but is now making great strides in both of these areas. The family recently learned that they have been chosen to pursue adoption of Mick. This family has already adopted two young children and is fostering Mick and another sweet baby girl. This family provides love, structure, a healthy environment, prayer and instruction in righteousness for this precious child and he has found a family to belong to because of Homes of Hope and our amazing foster and adoptive parents.