Reaching these goals will fulfill our long-term vision of a continuum of care for Southeast Florida and ensure maintenance and model replication.
Every gift at all levels impacts and transforms real lives and propels our “God’s Children. Our Future.” Campaign today! All gifts will be recognized.
Campaign donors cumulatively giving over $1 million across 10 years become part of our Solomon Society, named in homage to one of the greatest biblical leaders of all time, a man revered for his wisdom. The Solomon Society is a driving force to shape and lead the organization into the next century.
All donors will be recognized in campaign materials and at our campus locations, in perpetuity. Gifts can be directed toward a specific campus location, program and area of need (annual fund, capital expansion, or endowment). Capital naming opportunities are available throughout the region (multiple campus locations) and programmatically. Our planned housing and program expansions are impressive and desperately needed throughout the region.
A gift given annually will have a cumulative effect. Multi-year commitments are desired and impactful.
Will you join us today and give generously toward this exciting effort?
For more information about the campaign, naming opportunities, and our planned impact, please contact Charles Bender, Founding CEO and Board Member at [email protected].